Leeds Cinema Crawl: Reel Journeys
A journey of truly cinematic proportions
Archive, Cottage Road Cinema, Howard Assembly Room and Hyde Park Picture House come together to offer a unique opportunity for film lovers.
The Leeds Cinema Crawl is a day-long event featuring a screening at each venue. All the films feature a journey of some kind and will be shown consecutively, allowing cinemagoers to travel between each stop, make a detour or two and take part in a few extra activities along the way.
As with any good road trip, the four venues have brought some friends along for the ride – Leeds International Film Festival, Scalarama Leeds and Scour Cinema will all contribute to the crawl.
11am Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Cottage Road Cinema
2pm Y tu Mamá También (2001) Hyde Park Picture House
5pm Lost In America (1985) presented by Scalarama Leeds at Archive
8pm But I’m A Cheerleader (1999) Howard Assembly Room
A day pass to see all four films is available for £20 from Cottage Road Cinema. Tickets for individual screenings are available from each venue.